How do I buy something from Jam Store?

Jam Store Customer Service

Last Update 2 năm trước

1. Find the product you wish to buy

Keyword search boxes are located on nearly every page of the website. You will also find links to browse lists and more detailed product-specific searches in the top and left navigation bar of each department. When you find a product that interests you, click the title or name of the product to see its details, including availability and dispatch estimate times.

2. Add to cart

Found the products you want to buy? Click on Add to cart. Your shopping cart contains all the products that you have selected to buy. Once you’ve added a product to your shopping cart, you can go back and keep searching and adding to your cart. You can access the contents of your shopping cart at any time by clicking on the green cart button at the top right of any page on the Jam Store website.

You can also add products to your Wish List, which is a handy list of all the products that you do not want to check out with immediately, or which are out of stock but that you want to remember for later. You can move products between your shopping cart and your Wish List. Products have to be in your shopping cart for you to check out.

3. Checkout

3.1. Click Proceed to Checkout after you’ve reviewed the items in your Shopping Cart.

3.2. If prompted, sign in to your account or create a new account if this is your first order.

3.3. Choose your delivery method:

3.3.1. Courier delivery to your door

3.4. Choose your payment method. Be sure you’ve applied any Gift Vouchers or coupon codes you want to use on your order.

3.5. Review your order details and complete payment.

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